Okay boys and girls, here's the thing.
This is the begging page.
I don't have adverts on my site. They're ugly and they're never for anything you want anyway. Plus, this blog is free- I'm not paying any hosting fees or paying for any bandwidth or anything like that.
I am an art student who, during term time, can be in the studio for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, easily, and I study in one of the most expensive cities on the planet. Right now I am working a patchwork quilt of jobs- I audio transcribe interviews for a journalist, make cards for a company called Pompadour Press, and work full time during academic breaks. My student loan doesn't even cover my rent and I've got lots more bills to pay- travel, food, materials for school, the list goes on...
How can you help?
Occasionally I will make something with the sole intention of selling it. When I do, I will post a new page up here at the top labelled "For Sale", showcasing the item and listing the suggested price. If you want it, I can either put it up on Ebay for you, or you can buy it direct from me just by contacting me through the blog.
Speaking of Ebay: here are my current items up for auction. I sell mainly craft items and stuff I bought while travelling. I don't hope to make my original money back, I just want to claw back some change while clearing some space!
If you would like to buy me a present (no, I don't know why you would do this but you might, I don't know you, I aint gonna judge) here is my Amazon wishlist.
If you would like to advertise on Rumade, leave a comment below with a means of contacting you and we can work something out. My traffic has steadily been increasing since the blog's inception over a year ago.
If you would like to buy me a present (no, I don't know why you would do this but you might, I don't know you, I aint gonna judge) here is my Amazon wishlist.
If you would like to advertise on Rumade, leave a comment below with a means of contacting you and we can work something out. My traffic has steadily been increasing since the blog's inception over a year ago.
Thanks for reading this page! Oh, and one last thing- we're here at the bottom of the barrel, so I might as well chuck in a donate button.
Peace and love to all of my readers x